AllPlayer il lettore multimediale con una marcia in più

AllPlayer può sembrare a prima vista un player come tanti altri: bella grafica, corredo completo di codec e quindi possibilità di leggere tutti i tipi di compressione esistente (e anche future, vista la possibilità di aggiornarlo).
A differenza degli altri possiede però una caratteristica che lo potrebbe far diventare il numero uno della sua categoria. Al suo interno possiede un tasto chiamato "IQ text function" che gli permette di calcolare la lunghezza dei sottotitoli per ottimizzare la riproduzione e quindi (a scelta) procede al playback nella lingua selezionata. Si evita in questo modo di dover continuamente leggere e guardare il film, cosa che a lungo andare stufa parecchio...
Ma se questo vi sembra già abbastanza vi stupirò ulteriormente: il programma ha la possibilità di connettersi a e prelevare i sottotitoli dei video che state visionando.
Peccato che sia disponibile solo per Vista ed XP... gancjo...

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ALLPlayer review
One player for ALL known formats including MKV, DivX, Xvid, Flash, QuickTime, DVD, MP3, FLAC files.
If you have problems with codecs or your PC is too weak to play Internet Content, the LiveUpdate service is at hand to clean, update and fix your playback problems.
ALLPlayer plays ALL formats
YouTube to ALLPlayer is available in LiveUpdate!
Download video files from YouTube on your PC !
Subtitles Monster
ALLPlayer has built in special connectors to the servers that enable you to watch movie with subs in the instant mode.
Subtitle Speaker
New function allow your kids to hear subtitles.
IQ Text- Inteligent subtitles - never miss any subtitles.
This service allows you to keep up to date with the latest codec packs.
Converter ALLtoAVI
This function will help you to convert new formats like x264 or MKV to the format appropriate for your DVD/DivX device for easy playback.
New Setup
Is more intuitive than before, especially in case of subtitle handling and files management.
Better stability
When it comes to High Definition movies (MKV/X264), your old computer won't play them but using special decoders you will discover your movies in higher resolution. This is thanks to DirectX and LiveUpdate service.
Thanks to support, with our ALLPlayer you will be able to automatically download and share your subs. No more searching for Chinese or English subtitles. All you have at finger tips.
New formats FLAC and APE
Is a great step towards better loosless audio codecs.
AVI Doctor
Downloaded some Torrent file and want to preview the movie? With the AVI Doctor you can fix the file or just preview some torrents if you like.
Better PlayList helps you to manage big files of Audio and Video. Perfect for Home Disco Party.
Better SnapShot
Take a photo while watching movies and record it on HDD. This will help you to create Covers for your Movies.
Go to Setup and easy make own Skin. With LiveUpdate you will get access to other skins so your player never get bored.
There are made special Encoders for Content Management process withing P2P sites. Built in DRM is very unique and doesn't take any private data from the users.

The new ALLPLayer is available and in it:

ALLContainer ALLMenu ALLCoverFlow
* Enables automatic downloading and matching subtitles to the movie
* Finding the cover and description of the movie
* Subtitles, cover and description input to the file of the movie
* Gives the possibility of adding the signature and links to your community
* Protecting and password the file
* Adding the menu never has been so easy. Just take a screen shot, and 3D menu will immediately be ready
* A new way of viewing the movie - you do not need to buy a Mac to enjoy your movie menu (ALLCoverFlow)
Run LiveUpdate!
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